Good Morning Phnom Penh

Good Morning Phnom Penh

I was sitting at breakfast on the roof terrace of my hotel in Phnom Penh, biting into a fresh baguette spread with butter and jam, when a woman and a girl appeared on the balcony across the street. While the mother was engrossed in a …

Young Monks

Young Monks

As I traveled through Cambodia, Laos and Thailand, I was occasionally surprised at how young many of the monks I encountered were. At the time, I imagined that a life of abstinence, discipline and devotion had been chosen for these youths at an early age, …

Tourist Time Trap

Tourist Time Trap

On every corner In the Cambodian city of Siem Reap, people tell you not to miss the sunrise at Angkor Wat Temple. So I got on my rental bike around half past five and rode along a surprisingly empty forest road to the world-famous ruins. At the temple, …

Mekong Drama

Mekong Drama

Every year, the bridge builders of Kampong Cham start from scratch: They build a bamboo structure across the Mekong River that connects the city with Koh Pen Island. During my stay, when the elaborate construction was already half-completed, a local resident told me trucks would …