Month: June 2021

Chilean Rodeo

Chilean Rodeo

In the Chilean village of Villa O’Higgins, located at the end of the Carretera Austral in Patagonia, there is no post office, no ATM, and virtually no cultural offerings. Those who land here as tourists either go hiking in the picture-perfect surroundings or recuperate from …

Aperitif on Mekong River

Aperitif on Mekong River

Starting in the north of Thailand, the Mekong flows as a border river along and then through Laos onto Cambodia ending in the Mekong Delta of southern Vietnam. I travelled for several weeks along this magical river. Whenever the opportunity arose, I sat down on …

Shared Joy

Shared Joy

After eight months of travelling alone through the Asian continent, I met up with my boyfriend in Kathmandu. We took over a week to discover the treasures of the Kathmandu Valley. Patan, with it’s 2300 years of existence is the oldest city in the valley …

The miraculous Dr. Kunta

The miraculous Dr. Kunta

On my trip through Malawi, I was regularly impressed by the craftsmanship and creativity of the people. As soon as something breaks, they repair it themselves using the simplest of materials available. Their clothes, some of which are sewn in their own homes, often look …

Sleeping Volcano

Sleeping Volcano

Before my recent trip through Central America, I read all over the Internet that one should not under any circumstances travel through Nicaragua. The year before, hundreds of people had been killed in demonstrations against the policies of President Ortega, and the protest mood in …

A City for the Wealthy

A City for the Wealthy

In 1960, Brazil’s capital was moved from Rio de Janeiro to Brasília, a city that was one hundred percent built from scratch and was supposed to be a model of socially just urban planning. When I visited my Spanish friend Raquel, whose apartment was located …

Tourist Time Trap

Tourist Time Trap

On every corner In the Cambodian city of Siem Reap, people tell you not to miss the sunrise at Angkor Wat Temple. So I got on my rental bike around half past five and rode along a surprisingly empty forest road to the world-famous ruins. At the temple, …

Old Boy

Old Boy

In many countries around the world, I have encountered children who looked to me like adults in children’s bodies. Unlike their peers, they lack childlike curiosity, playfulness and joie de vivre. In the Peruvian city of Cusco, in front of a shoe store, I spotted …