Month: June 2021



Anyone traveling to Singapore from other Southeast Asian countries will first be impressed by the incredible cleanliness of the city. Sparkling sidewalks, licked facades and parks manicured to perfection characterize the cityscape. The smallest imperfection, such as some peeling paint on the boundary walls of …

Chatting in Portunhol

Chatting in Portunhol

Every trip to Brazil was a special kind of social experience for me. Although I speak only a few words of Portuguese, and many Brazilians only a little English or Spanish, I found it easy to strike up conversations with the locals everywhere, whether by …

Ephemeral beauty

Ephemeral beauty

A four-day trek around the Huemul Massif in Los Glaciares National Park in southern Argentina brings experienced hikers right to the edge of the southern ice field. This huge mass of glaciers, once part of the glacial Patagonian Ice Sheet, now forms the largest continuous …

Facing Death

Facing Death

At a funeral of the Toraja on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, several buffaloes are traditionally sacrificed. The people of this tribe believe that the deceased person will be accompanied and protected by the buffalo souls during their passage into the afterlife. When I was …

Addicted to Fruit

Addicted to Fruit

Nowhere have I eaten so much exotic fruit as in Southeast Asia. On my long journey through that part of the world, it became a ritual for me, upon arriving in a new place, to first seek out a street stall or market where the …

Zanzibar at its best

Zanzibar at its best

One evening, I was walking along the beach of Stonetown with two young French world travelers when we struck up a conversation with a Tanzanian boat owner. We bought a six-pack of beer and spent the evening together on his sailboat lying on the shore …

Rumput Laut

Rumput Laut

The cultivation of seaweed (in Indonesian: Rumput Laut) is traditionally an important source of income on the small island of Nusa Lembongan, which is located in the south of Bali. Tourism has pushed that branch of the economy further and further back in recent decades. …

Sour fish

Sour fish

When I traveled through Peru for the first time fifteen years ago, I got gastroenteritis after having a freshly squeezed fruit juice at the market right at the beginning of the trip. After that, I didn’t think for a moment about trying one of the …